The backs of my 4 vanity mirrors made out of spoons. After the spoons are painted I glue a mirror on the back and then beads or trim around the mirrors. The oval mirrors are called shaped and so have a pretty edge around them. The round I can't find that way.

Front of the vanity mirrors.

This picture didn't take very well. This spoon had cutouts in the bowl of the spoon and so I painted the back of the mirror with a gold leafing pen. All the spoons were colored with alcohol inks. Pictures were glued on and then sprayed with fixative. Glued on a charm and tied on a ribbon.

On this spoon I did the mixed colors as on the others but I used the ink and a tiny applicator to paint the iris and the leaves. I also used the iris colors on the hummingbird charm. I mixed some pearl on the background of this one.

This spoon was a gorgeous spoon but had a very deep bowl and so when Don flattened it it split in about 5 or six places on the edges where the fancy stuff was. So he went to the hardware store and found some stuff that he put on it and filled all the cracks. It dried really hard and he was wishing he hadn't used so much because it was a bugger to sand it down. It dried kind of a charcoal color. So I used the alcohol inks and then matched up a metalic russet lumiere paint and put it over all the places that were charcoal. I thought it ended up blending really well & I'm so glad it worked because the handle on this spoon is also my favorite. I also painted the silver rose charm gold for this one.

This one was a very tiny spoon in comparison to the others. The gal at the antique shop said that it would be cute as a baby spoon or toddler spoon mirror. So I bought it. Well the pattern on it was leaves and acorns so after painting them the spoon ended up kind of yellow gold and copper looking. Admitedly not very baby colors. The picture is one that I thinks looks so much like me at that age. Her cheek looked dirty and I brushed it lightly with my finger and now she has a crack on her cheek. Oh I was mad at myself. I painted a silver heart gold for this one. All of them have the best match in a ribbon I could find in my stash. I don't think I like the ribbon on this one either. I'm really tired of spoons and not in the mood to redo her right now anyway. I'm going to try doing some jewelry next.
Wow where do you come up with these ideas??? Amazing!
WOW Kat I am in awe! They're magnificient and need to be sent into Somerset or somewhere!! Do you add the mirrors or polish out the metal?
I'm with Brooke, where in the heck do you come up with these amazing ideas? How do you flatten the spoons? Run over them with a "big" truck?? These are beautiful!!
I see you have your quilt mate in the background.. tee hee.. Hope you are getting some quilting in!
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