Well, last minute I decided to have an open house for my jewelry I've made the last few months. I invited all my P.E.O. sisters, all the people in our UMW, my Monday night altered group & two altered book friends from Wichita and any friends on my e-mail address book from Hutchinson. I made jewelry till all hours this last week and I fixed two kinds of hot drinks and several types of dips. Also had my house all decorated for Christmas. A few did RSVP they had other plans but from all these people I only had 7 people come. One P.E.O. sister, one UMW friend, one neighbor, one Hutchinson friend, one Monday night altered group, and two friends who came from Wichita. So not a very good showing. I had this from 9 to 3 and nobody showed up till afternoon. I began to think it was really going to be a one woman show with no guests. LOL. Five of us did have a fun time eating and visiting. Don & I received a magnet each from E. 

I really like the way she spelled out Don with the clock for the O.
Dana also brought me a piece of art and you can see it below. Pretty neat huh?

My friend from Hutchinson, Barbara also brought me a Bagel holder. Works pretty neat. The lid comes on down as you take a bagel out of it. She also gave me a zip bag to hold small items in little pockets earlier. As Dana and E were leaving I looked up at a full moon showing through the bare branches of the neighbors tree. So I had to try and take some pictures. These are what I got. 

And so ended a fun day as the full moon shown down to guide my last two guests home to Wichita.